Acu' = n : Eye.

Agucat = n : Money.

Aji = n : Hot Pepper.

Akani = n : Enemy.

Amaraca = n : Sacred Ceremonial Wooden Rattle, made of black Capa wood.

Ama' = n : River or Body of water.

Ana = n : Flower.

Anacaona = n : Golden Flower.

Anana = n : Pineapple.(See the word Yayama).

Anani = n : Water Flower.

Anaiboa = n : starchy white juice taken from the sweet Yuca, used for making a sweet drink. (See the word Naiboa).

Anki = n : Evil Person.

Ao'n = n : Dog or Little Dog.

Apito = n : Infinite, with out begining or End.

Ara' = n : People.

Ara = n : A small Red bird also called the Guacamayo.

Aracoel = n : GrandMother.

Ara'guaca = n : Dance.

Ara'guacu' = n : The Sacred People. a name from where the word Arawak originated.

Areito = n : A Traditional Dances with spoken historic songs.

Arepa = n : Corn Cake.

Ari' = n : Invader.

Arijua = n : Foreigner.

Arike = n : Line or cord used to carry bulk fish, made from a strip Yagua of the Royal Palm Tree.

Arocoel = N : Grandfather.

Atabey = n : Mother Earth.


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